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The Runner's Wave

Running can be solitary, it can be social.

If you are running with friends or pounding the street on your own, nothing lightens the mood more than contact, support, someone who knows what you're going through.

Experienced or a complete beginner. You are never too fast or too slow to give the wave or receive it. Put the headphones away people. Reach out to your fellow plodders and speed merchants. We are brethren, we are sistren, we are runners. We know how you're feeling and we're glad you're out here anyway.

It can be tricky. Ensure your wavee is aware of your presence and intention. A friendly smile or brightly coloured hat should suffice.

Do not leave the hand out for too long or you are into the accidental high-five zone. I've been there, it's a maelstrom of confusion and embarrassment.

For those of you that may be a little timid about reaching out and making the world a better place, here is my handy guide to the Runner's Wave in all it's incarnations. Pick your favourite, I'll see you out there. Don't forget to wave.


The Speedster's Nod

Note the extremely serious expression. There's Tempo training to be done. No time for a full wave as the movement of the arm will upset their bio-mechanics and knock them out of optimal stride. It's subtle and it's quick. Blink and you may miss it. The Speedster may seem haughty, but they do care. They really do.

The Casual

If you want to strike a friendly but relaxed tone then The Casual is your best option. It's relaxed, friendly but still cool. Notice the understated use of the wave. A relaxed movement originating from the elbow and finishing at the fingertips.

Everything Is Awesome

The sun is out. The sky is blue. There's not a cloud to spoil the view. It's one of those days when everything feels brilliant. The legs feel light. Notice the happy smiling face and chirpy tone of voice (not annoying at all). Spread the love people. Running is great. Let everyone know.


No. Just no.

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