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Couple running up a hill


Back on Saturday Jan 11th 9am

These sessions are the next step for runners who can comfortably run for 30 minutes and want to work on building their speed and compete in some races. 

The sessions are structured in 6 weekly blocks. The programme's focus this term is on improving our lactate threshold or rather our ability to hold a fast pace for longer before we have to slow down. We'll do some simple testing at the start along with a little video work and then retest at the end of the programme.


We’ll look at technique, hill running speed intervals, tempo training and fartlek. We will focus on building your speed endurance to keep strong over the full race distance. 

The sessions follow a similar structure to the Walker 2 Runner programme. We’ll meet once a week on Saturday and you’ll have a programme of runs and supporting strength moves to work with over the week. 

This is a friendly supportive group of runners where no-one is left behind. Whether you want to just build some speed or peak towards a race we’ll give you everything you need to achieve your goals. 

These sessions are the next step for runners who comfortably run for at least 30 minutes, 2-3 times a week and want to work on building their speed and compete in some races when they return.


The sessions are structured in 6 weekly blocks. Each week the session will focus on building your speed and your speed endurance. We’ll look at technique, running on different terrain, hill running speed intervals, tempo training and fartlek (yes that’s a thing).


We’ll meet once a week on Saturday and you’ll have a programme of runs and supporting strength moves to work with over the week.


This is a friendly supportive group of runners where no-one is left behind. Whether you want to just build some speed or peak towards a 10k we’ll give you everything you need to achieve your goals.

How fit do I have to be?

You must be able to run comfortably for at least 30 minutes, 2-3 times a week. This is more challenging work and not intended for beginners.


How long are the sessions?

Each session lasts an hour. This includes a full warm-up, we then do some focused technical work depending on the nature of the session, then it's the main run workout, followed by a cool down jog and stretch. 


How to join the group

Call me on 07813104384 or drop me an email.


When is the course held?

The next course starts on Saturday, 2nd November at 9 am.


How much?

The cost is £35 for the 6-week programme.


Where are the classes?

We meet on the covered reservoir (known as "The Doughnut") which is 400m in circumference and perfect for the kind of work we'll be doing. There's also no shortage of hills or more technical trails depending on where we are in the programme and the goal of the session.


What about COVID?

All precautions will be taken to keep everyone safe and minimise your risk. Please refer to our COVID Policy & Practices page and our Risk Assessment for full details.


1 session a week for 6 weeks with a run & strength programme


“I wanted to run just a little bit faster, but after looking at the masses of training advice on the internet, I couldn’t make any sense whatsoever of all the advice on ‘intervals’, ‘pyramids’, ‘tempo runs’, and ‘Yasso 800s’.  So I just kept plodding on, and on, and on.   However, when I saw the course I signed up for it.  With a different session every Saturday, and a set course to follow during the week, I ended up knowing my Yassos from my Fartleks, and knocked a whole two minutes off my PB as well.   And although I still don’t stretch enough, I guess even Michael can’t make miracles happen.” - Christopher Fitch

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