Which package is best for me?
Think about what you want to achieve with the training and how much help you may need. If you are happy to work though a programme and meet with me once a week then Standard 6 & 12 will work for you.
If you feel you need more time working face to face then the Plus & Premium packages may suit you better.
Every programme includes a fitness assessment, periodic progress measurement and testing, a detailed programme and in depth nutritional analysis and advice as well as the online 1-2-1 sessions.
Location: Sessions can be in your home or your garden, outdoors in your local park, the forest, I have a fully equipped studio gym, and I can also run sessions online if required.
Preferred Payment: BACS
Cancellation Policy: 24 hours notice is required for a cancellation or rescheduling in order to receive credit for the session. Failure to cancel within this time frame or failure to show up for a session will result in the client being charged for the session. Exceptions will only be made in the case of a medical emergency accompanied by a doctor’s note.
"Like most years, I started with a new years resolution. Usually they limp along for a few week before fizzling out, but this year I was determined to get fitter and lose weight. It's June and I have managed to maintain motivation for 6 months and I am still going strong! The difference has been Mike from Forest Fitness.
I was over-weight and feeling a bit rubbish and knew I needed a kick to get me going. The sessions were always challenging but suited to my level so I didn't ever feel demoralised but still felt I'd worked hard. I've never done personal training before and felt quite anxious/decadent, but I honestly think it was the best decision of the year. I managed to change my lifestyle to incorporate exercise, instead of avoiding it at all costs like usual!
I am now fit enough to actually enjoy it (ok so 50 burpees might not be described as "fun!" but you know what I mean) Mike helped me to develop a weekly routine that was achievable and matched my interests. I knew I needed variety - so I wouldn't get bored, convenience - so I could fit it in with a busy week and humour - because I have a stupid sense of humour! Also mostly outdoors where possible.
Mike has helped me establish this. I especially love the Boot camps in the woods on Sunday which is a great start to the day - on occasion there have been space hoppers, zombies, tug o war, dogs that pop over to see what's going on etc. which are welcome amusement/distraction from the physical pain!
Mike has been able to strike happy balance between serious goal focused effort, nurture and fun, which has worked really well for me. (thank you) All in all I have lost over 2 stone in weight and I have the knowledge, resources and skills to keep going. I also feel really motivated and happier in myself." - Laura Copsey
"Just wanted to say thanks not just for getting me around last night but for the last few months of training. It's been really enjoyable and I've seen some great results; not least the ambition I now have to carry on with improved fitness." - Lesley Hynes